April 13th, May 11th, June 8th
At Unity House, we run a Rainbow Lodge, meaning a sweat lodge for all people and we do not try to take from out native friends their traditions.
I’ve done sweats from Mexico to New Zealand and reciently for the last couple of years, with my friends from Peru and Columbia. Sweat Lodges are not only done in USA but all over the world and have been for thousands of years. So whatever your tradition, culture, race or walk in life; you will always be welcomed here at Unity House.
Sweat Lodge starts with the laying of the sacred fire at 10 am on SATURDAYS. Gate/Door normally near noon. Please come early at 9:30 am or so, then you can help with all the set up. There is a lot of work to prepare for the lodge but many hands make light work! That is called community. Also, now due to Frog Man Dave's passing, we always need a Chief Fire Tender, man or woman who is willing to serve the comunity. Often it is said that tending fire, if you really stay present and work with the spirits, you will more out of a sweat lodge than those in the lodge.
If you need to come later, just arrive as you can and come in the yellow gate, turn left and go to the lodge area. We do NOT answer phones after 10 am. Car Pooling is suggested so contact me if you want to know if someone is in your area.
Everyone is welcome, adults, teens and children.
Safety First: Definitely Plan to Stay until after dinner and clean up. You cannot drive safely when spacey right after comming out of the lodge.
Fire tending is an honor and a service to the community as well. Working with the FIRE element can be very powerful for you, if you stay focused and it in a mindful way.
Cell 360-708-6916 - we will be outside.
Phones turned off after 10 am.
Email: onwingsoflight@gmail.com
Everyone is welcome. If this is your first time, trust that you will be well cared for. Feel free to call or email with any questions. If you have health challenges, call, we can talk it over. Children welcome as well.
NO DOGS … this is also a drug, alcohol and smoke free environment. Smoke free does not refer to those that carry the sacred Pipe. So if you smoke you will need to do that in your car or take a walk down the road. Due to this being a GOES GREEN home – we are careful as well about things people might be allergic to. So please out of consideration of your brothers and sisters, no hairspray, colognes, perfumes, etc. Many thanks!
BRING: (think of the time of year and anticipated weather, we hold sweats all through the year)
• Potluck dish to share and personal drink for electrolytes (STRONGLY SUGGEST- Recharge Drink as it is natural and has NO sugar, Juice, Sports Drink, etc)
• Consider a slow cooker with food for colder weather
• Ice chest if you need to keep something cold
• Towel and blanket please
• Sandals or thongs to walk to and from the lodge when you feet are wet
• Sweat dress or wrap around skirt for woman, shorts for men
• Dry cloths to put on after sweat, coats and other appropriate clothing
• A Big Bag to carry all your stuff in (plastic sack for wet cloths/towel)
• Gifting is always appreciated: we need things like kindling, sweet grass, tobacco, sweat herbs to burn in the lodge, sage to smudge people, lots of newspaper (the black and white sections only please due to chemicals in shiny paper ), sacred stones, crystals for the land, wooden matches, Red Cotton cloth for making prayer ties, etc. --- thanks for your help!
• A $10 to $20 donation if you can for wood and expenses however NO ONE is ever turned away from for lack of money (we have a turtle gifting box). I never take any profit for running sweats – this is one of our give backs to the community