Friday, April 5, 2013

Shamanism for Today

“Historically, shamans have always been part of the society where they lived, taking care of its problems, whenever they were allowed to operate. For centuries shamanic cultures have been persecuted in the western world until they were almost entirely exterminated. They have managed to survive in secrecy or through complex esoteric camouflage. Nowadays there seems to be more freedom and this ancient knowledge can re-emerge and be used in our own cultural context and not relegated somewhere else. The world needs shamans able to function on the roads, among the electronic equipment and engines, in the squares and markets of our contemporary society.”
― by Franco Santoro 

"I found this quote and it seemed so relevant to the times we live in. I believe that when western medicine is called for, we are foolish to not at least seek out the advice and perhaps the recommended treatment. However, through experience of both experiencing Shamanic Healing and having an active practice as well, with all illnesses, be they mental, physical or spiritual, Shamanic healing benefits the person who is in need.  So often the problem we seek help for is only a piece of the picture and real healing begins by going much deeper. Shamans look at the whole person, not just the visible problem or illness." Tana Rose Blue Deer Woman

On Wings of Light Web

Here you will find information on the events and teachings we offer. Look to the posts each month to keep you informed as to the happenings of our Monthly Drumming & Medicine Wheel Circle which we call “Soul Flight and Beyond”. There will also be information on our Sweat Lodges, Vision Quests, Travel Events and Encampments, etc. Is there something you would like to see or a group you want something done for, please contact me. Blessings!