Thursday, April 26, 2012

Lots is going on in the world today, from dreadful wars, starving children and families, the damage done to mother earth, corrupt governments, some quite close to home. Yet there are also so many people speaking out for peace, honest governments that work for the best for a global world, not just for their own profits. One thing I feel is happening, especially in the US, is that people are feeling separate from their blood families, many have no roots or culture, feeling more like wander 'muts' that a feeling of belonging. Many changes coming down the pike and it feels right to really start paying attention to who our FAMILY is, for me, family of choice is very important. People that one can be fully themselves with and at peace.
If you are feeling a little out there, alone and floundering in this fast moving age, reach out to someone, make friends, help others in need and surround your self with people who are resonating with your being. For me that is my shamanic community who feel deeply about issues I'm passionate about. Find yours and build on it. You never need to be alone unless you choose to. Blessings,,,,, Tana Rose ` Blue Deer Woman

On Wings of Light Web

Here you will find information on the events and teachings we offer. Look to the posts each month to keep you informed as to the happenings of our Monthly Drumming & Medicine Wheel Circle which we call “Soul Flight and Beyond”. There will also be information on our Sweat Lodges, Vision Quests, Travel Events and Encampments, etc. Is there something you would like to see or a group you want something done for, please contact me. Blessings!