Monday, March 14, 2011

Arvol Looking Horse of Lakota Elders

This is an email I received and felt well worth passing along.  Some of you may not be aware of who Arvol Looking Horse is, this is something to understand.

I had heard about the white buffalo calf born in Pennsylvania but I obviously had not heard the Whole story. Most of you know that I went to see Arvol Looking Horse talk at Evergreen State College in Olympia, WA on February 13th. I have a friend that works on a magazine called SACRED FIRE--she was there too. She wanted my thoughts on the evening. 

Two things immediately struck me about Arvol Looking Horse as he walked down the aisle, flanked by security, to the stage. First, He is really tall. Second, THAT is a Very Serious Man. I didn't remember a lot of details about what he said because most of it I have already heard and knew deep in my heart to be Sad and TRUE. Mother Earth and all her Children are in pain and in danger of ceasing to live--Life is out of balance and the Hoop (Circle of Life) is Broken. Creator has warned all peoples in all places of the danger we are currently facing and what we have to do to repair the damage we two-leggeds have done-or face the consequences--extinction.

About 2,000 years ago the people that were the ancestors of the Native People now known as the Sioux were living in an "out-of-balance" way. The people were starving. Two scouts were out looking for the buffalo herds when they saw a    woman walking toward them across the plains. She carried a bundle with her.    One of the men had "evil" thoughts and she let him approach her. A wind            carrying a cloud of dust and thunder and lightning spun around the pair and      when the dust settled down the man was a pile of bones. The second scout knew this was a Wakan (Holy) Person and asked what he could do for her. She told     him that she was aware of the desperate situation of his people and that she      wanted him to return to the village and tell them what had just happened and to prepare a place for her. She said that she was coming and would be staying with them for a while and teaching them things they needed to know.            

This Holy Woman taught the people the Seven Sacred Rites that are the core     beliefs of the Sioux people. Among these rites is the Sacred Pipe--which is what she was carrying in her bundle.                                                                                

When her time with the people was done, she left the pipe with them. This original pipe is still in existence and Arvol Looking Horse is the current caretaker of it. When this Holy Woman left the people she walked away from the village toward a herd of buffalo passing by. She lay down and rolled on the ground and when she stood up she was a black buffalo calf. She lay down and rolled again and got up as a red buffalo calf. She lay down again and stood as a yellow buffalo calf. The fourth time she lay down and rolled she got up as a white buffalo calf. From that day on she was known as White Buffalo Calf Woman.                                     

White Buffalo Calf Woman had told the people that when things were really bad and the Hoop of the Nation was broken she would return as a White Buffalo Calf. During her life she would wear coats of all the colors of the races of man-White, Yellow, Red, Black and Brown.                                                     

It is generally acknowledged that the Hoop of the Nation was finally broken at Wounded Knee in 1890. The next 100 years can only be described as "Really Bad Years" as the US Government did everything in their power to totally annihilate the original inhabitants of this continent.                                                               

Arvol Looking Horse became the Keeper of the Sacred White Buffalo Calf         Bundle in 1966 at the age of 12 years. He was raised with the knowledge of the prophecies but didn't think the long-awaited White Buffalo would be born in his generation. Then MIRACLE was born in 1994 on a small farm in Wisconsin. Her coat turned all five colors as she grew up. Miracle was NOT an albino buffalo and her DNA was tested to prove she was 100% buffalo. Her birth brought a resurgence of Hope to all people-Native and non-Native alike. I kept a newspaper clipping about her birth on my office wall until the day I retired.

According to Arvol Looking Horse white animals show the Sacred Color. Many white animals are surfacing around the world. Beside white tigers there are white lions, kangaroo, alligator, deer, black bears, hedgehogs, elephants, ravens, moose and more. Arvol says, "When you see a white animal it is a Blessing but it is also a Warning that there are going to be some Big Changes, Earth Changes, Weather Changes on a Global Scale. We are in those changes now. A handfull of people cannot stop these changes. There HAS TO BE A SPIRITUAL UNITY IN THE WORLD. It takes ALL the people coming together with Good Hearts and Good Minds in order for this Earth to survive. There has to be Peace and Harmony. That is the Balance we have to create. In this new millennium we are going to create this. We are going to make history. We are going to make a change for the benefit of our children and our grandchildren. Our leaders today need to connect to help each other. There is no one person in the circle that is higher than another. It doesn't matter what part of the world we are in-we are all being effected globally. We must try to Walk In Prayer-there has to be a Spiritual Unity."

Arvol Looking Horse is the embodiment of Practicing what he Preaches. Starting with his own people, Arvol established the UNITY RIDE in 1995 from Wahpeton, Saskatchewan to the Black Hills. This ride unites the Dakota people forced from Minnesota into Canada by General Sibley in the winter of 1862-1863 with their southern relatives.

Arvol spoke with pride of riding on horseback with the Bigfoot Riders each December 15-29 through severe weather and extreme temperatures to understand the immensity of hardships suffered by Chief Bigfoot and his band. This past winter a teenage girl completed the ride. This extreme undertaking has been going on since 1986 and was started to fulfill the prophecy of "Mending the Sacred Hoop of the Nation."

The birth of MIRACLE in 1994 signaled that NOW is the time to step forward, and Arvol says "as caretakers of the heart of Mother Earth (the Black Hills) it is our responsibility to tell our brothers and sisters to seek Peace. We ask every nations to declare June 21, 1996 World Peace and Prayer Day/Honoring Sacred Sites Day. Pray at this time with us for your sacred areas."

 In 1995 Arvol Looking Horse met with and obtained support from indigenous leaders in Canada, Malaysia, the Mayans and Maori. Each nations agreed to pray and hold ceremony at their sacred sites.  Since then Arvol has traveled all over the world talking, praying and holding ceremonies that inspires and unite all peoples regardless of race and faith. Arvol Looking Horse was asked by the Elders of his nation to travel to Iraq and pray with the pipe for Peace. The Elders were concerned that this conflict could trigger World War III

At Evergreen State College Arvol talked about the sacred sites of the Earth. He mentioned the energy ley lines of the world and that where these lines cross each other there is a sacred site. The ancient peoples knew these sites and built places of worship there. Arvol said these are also places where we find deposits of oil, gold and other precious materials.

After Arvol talked his wife took the podium and she told many entertaining stories of places they had been and how their coming had been part of the prophecies of other cultures. One really sad note is that some of Arvol's own people are jealous and do not appreciate or understand the Work he is doing. While they are freezing on the rez in winter they can only think he is enjoying summer at the beach in South Africa or Australia. 

I am happy my friend asked me for my thoughts about Arvol Looking Horses' presentation because it made me do some research. One thing not mentioned at the talk is the fact that Arvol is a Sun Dancer. When Arvol was made Keeper of the Sacred Pipe and chief at 12 years old he was told, "You do not have to Sun Dance because your whole life will be a sacrifice for the people. The people take care of the Keeper so you never work because you are the center and cultural carriers." Arvol said his decision to Sun Dance was a commitment to pray for the people for things to change for the good as they were not good now and seem only to worsen.....It was the right time to Sun a time when the people were suffering from all the effects of genocide and religious suppression, alcohol and abuse was the way of life we saw.

I am trying to change that cycle of abuse we have toward one another. It is not an easy time to be the spiritual leader of this Nation. There is literally no support from the people. Our family has long been persecuted from remaining Lakota and traditional culture keepers.

As Keeper and chief, I ask people to look at the big picture. Look past your own personal situation and ask what have you volunteered for your people lately.

I don't expect all people to support me as it is as the traditional Lakota elders said it is to be, but at least show respect for our ways and prophecies. Our cycle of life where there is no ending and no beginning.  Mitakuye Oyasin"

I cannot begin to imagine the weight of the burden the rests on the shoulders of Chief Arvol Looking Horse. I stick with my first impression of him--Tall and Very Serious. There is no slump to his shoulders. He bears his burden well. Serious-yes-and rightly so. Our time is running out and most people aren't even aware of how tenuous our life line with Mother Earth is. The Gulf Oil Spill, the unusual and extreme weather patterns, the massive die-offs of birds, fish and animals are all "Canaries in the Mines." The Canaries have stopped singing. Has anyone noticed? Arvol Looking Horse has. Can you hear White Buffalo Calf Woman speaking through him? Lay down your arms and embrace your brother and sister. Mitakuye Oyasin.


                                         Statement from
                                  Looking Chief Arvol Horse,
19th Generation Keeper
of the Sacred White Buffalo Calf Pipe
November 12, 2007

Edited by: Stephanie M. Schwartz, Freelance Writer
Member, Native American Journalists Association (NAJA)

Another great message has come to us from the animal nation. This time, it is more urgent then ever! It has come to my attention of another birth of a white buffalo, this time it is more different then any other sign.

So far since 1994, the same time that Global Warming was being announced; there have been at least 4-6 every year of these sacred buffalo calves that have stood upon the earth. Not only the buffalo have showed these signs to tell us of this great urgency that is upon us, but in many parts of the world, there have been other animal nations showing this sacred color. This color represents the south, the direction in which we pass through to the spirit world, a completed cycle. This interpretation has to do with the Bundle I take care of; that carries a prophesy from the White Buffalo Calf Woman. She told of a time when her spirit would stand upon the earth, a time of great changes were about to come to us all. A time when the two legged would have to make a decision to change their ways to heal the damage that they have created. Boundaries in respecting life and spirit will have become violated.

This birth is yet another sign, but brings more awareness of this urgency. This new birth has to do with 2 female buffalo kept in captivity, with no male buffalo present. It would be hard to believe, but in this instance, the place they live has kept this quiet, because they did not want to be accused of artificially inseminating the female buffalo. There have been these types of instances that have been done in the past, concerning publicity in owning a white buffalo calf.

The Woodland Zoo in Farmington, Pennsylvania decided to bring in two female buffalo to their facility. One of the females was pregnant when she arrived. After she had the calf, it was sold, 6 months later, she gave birth to another calf, this time it was white. Buffalo carry for 9 months as humans do. The other female she lived with, gave birth 9 months later to a black buffalo after the white calf stood upon the earth, again no male buffalo present.

This was brought to my attention a while back. I did not want to state anything till I took this through ceremony, to understand the truth and the message.

Since 1994, these kinds of signs have been coming, but it seems that people do not listen or want to see anything important from the animal nation’s messages.

This has a lot to do with faith.

What was told is as follows: This is a very dangerous time we are in! The minds of the people on Unc’i Maka (Grandmother Earth) are choosing to focus on a new way of life that is hurting us all in the global community. This way of life chooses war, hurting one another physically and verbally, and continued desecration to Unc’i Maka in taking more then what we truly need in her resources. These decisions not only hurt our own People, but the animal nations are dying in large numbers to extinction by this new way of life we are accepting. Unc’i Maka is going to have a hard time to continue to bring food to all life. These decisions need to be changed very soon and are in each and every one of your hands more then ever. Respect to the spirit of life needs to be brought back; boundaries need to put back into place and faith needs to be present in everyone’s life once again.

We have no choice but to listen!

May Peace prevail on Earth, in a Sacred Hoop of Life, where there is no ending and no beginning!

On Wings of Light Web

Here you will find information on the events and teachings we offer. Look to the posts each month to keep you informed as to the happenings of our Monthly Drumming & Medicine Wheel Circle which we call “Soul Flight and Beyond”. There will also be information on our Sweat Lodges, Vision Quests, Travel Events and Encampments, etc. Is there something you would like to see or a group you want something done for, please contact me. Blessings!