Sunday, December 12, 2010

North Gate Buffalo Totem

Why pay attention to the animals that come to us? Each animal is imbued  with an essence of the Creator, each is a powerful teach from the humble slug to the powerful Buffalo. Look to their life style, pray and predator relationships. What do they eat, and in what seasons do they change to adapt to the life style. Basically, be here now and pay attention to our animal brother and sisters. They are your teachers.

"Buffalo's humped shoulders and horns indicate stored-up power. When threatened, buffalo create a defensive circle in which cows encircle the calves, and bulls encircle the cows. When provoked, buffalo can be unpredictably dangerous.

The Plains Indians hold the buffalo sacred. Tribes would offer prayers of gratitude both before a hunt and after a buffalo was killed to honor the spirit of the animal that provided them meat, shelter, and clothing.

Buffalo reminds us to give thanks for what we have, and pay tribute to the sacrifice of life that allows us to survive. It comes to teach us to reconnect with the Earth, respect all life, and honor our own divine essence."

On Wings of Light Web

Here you will find information on the events and teachings we offer. Look to the posts each month to keep you informed as to the happenings of our Monthly Drumming & Medicine Wheel Circle which we call “Soul Flight and Beyond”. There will also be information on our Sweat Lodges, Vision Quests, Travel Events and Encampments, etc. Is there something you would like to see or a group you want something done for, please contact me. Blessings!